Tuesday, March 02, 2010

An Easier Way

I am a bit behind with my seminary studies because of what we went through with Felicia. I was given an extension for my two final assignments which were due at the beginning of February; my new deadline is this Friday, and I still have a lot of work to do.

Rosemary forwarded me an email yesterday that just might have solved my problems. Apparently, there is an easier way to get a university degree than by studying and spending weeks writing research papers!

Here's what the email said:

You are nominated for a Ph.d
If you are looking for a fast and effective way to get a diploma,(non accredited) this is the best way out for you.
Provide us with degree you are interested in.
Call us right now on:
For US: 1.718.989.5746
Outside US: +1.718.989.5746 "Just leave your NAME & PHONE NO. (with CountryCode)" in the voicemail.
Our staff will get back to you in next few days!

I'm nominated? How lucky is that???!!!
This is almost as lucky as when that Nigerian guy wanted to deposit all his father's money in my bank account!
Man, if only more people would know about this, people could stop wasting their time reading books and get down to the real business that people with Ph.d-s should be up to: writing reference books, doing experiments in laboratories, being professors, leading universities, finding cures for cancer...

On second thought, calling internationally is expensive, and I'm already half way done with my assignments...


  1. Actually, for 100.000 Ft you can get an érettségi. And for 50.000 Ft more you can get your picture on a board somewhere in the city. :)

  2. Wow, how did you find that information? Do they have a website? :)

  3. you just have to go JOzsefvarosi piac in Budapest and get an erettsegi, jogositvany and esetleg a szemelyit is el tudnak intezni, termeszetesen fizetes elleneben.

  4. Ja - a Józsefváros a nyolcker, ugye?
    Amúgy, ezt tényleg elhiszem, mert volt egy menekült ismerősöm aki mondta nekem, hogy talált munkát Pesten...egy pincében, okmányokat hamisítani :)
    Amúgy annyira hihetőek nem lehettek, mert akkor gondolom magának is csinált volna egy útlevelet, hogy Németbe vagy Angliába menjen :)

  5. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Nem, valószínüleg totál gagyik, de hát valamiből meg kell élni nem? :)

    Egyébként szerintem nem kell Pestre fölmenni, az egri piac is tud érdekes lenni...csak tovább kell keresgélni.

    Üdv:Marci :)

  6. Marci - elképzelhető! "Figyelj, a lépcső alatt a harmadik bácsi géppisztolyakat árul a gyülömcsök és zöldségek mellett. A jelmondat: '3 kiló mandarint kérem szépen.'"

  7. Az súúúlyos... És mi van, ha tényleg mandarint akarok, az meg a kezembe nyom egy kalasnyikovot? :O

  8. Először, ki az aki 3 kiló mandarint vesz? Meg, 3 kiló mandarin azért kell, hogy benne lehessen elrejteni a fegyvert!

  9. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Hey, that same Nigerian guy wanted to deposit all his father's money in MY account. Guess we'll have to share it.
    Chris Silva

  10. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Nick, szólhattál volna hamarabb is - akkor nem megy el 3 évem...:o) Ilona

  11. Ilona - Ja, de ha szólok túl sok embernek, akkor munkád sem lesz!
