On Tuesday we went to Vajta for the graduation of our friend Pablo from Bible College. We have known Pablo for many years and it is a joy to see what God has done and is doing in his life. Congratulations Pablo!
In this one you can see how pregnant Rosemary is:
During the rest of the week, we put together a lot of furniture, trying to get the guest room ready for my parents who arrive today for Christmas.
Nate was so excited to help build the furniture. He kept saying 'Work!' and moving pieces of wood around the room and telling himself 'Good job Nate!'. He loves mechanical stuff and working with tools. Here are some pictures of him helping me hammer some nails:
Good job Nick, good job Nate. Nate has such a great personality; I loved having the opportunity to observe and interact with him during our visit. The time spent together is irreplaceable and treasured in our hearts as a gift. Love, Mom