Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Saving Trees

I just bought my textbooks for my next semester of seminary. For the first time ever I won't have to pay expensive shipping costs to get my school books to me in Hungary because I bought all of them in Kindle format.
Besides saving on the shipping costs, all the books also cost less in Kindle format.

I was a bit concerned about using e-books for school, but after using one of my Kindle books as a reference last year, I realized that it is actually much better than having a paper book. Besides not having to carry huge texts books with you in order to study outside of your house, you can easily do word searches and highlight, and if you want to reference something, you can simply copy it and Kindle automatically gives you all the reference information for your footnotes.

I have had my Android Tablet for 3 weeks now and absolutely love it. I preach from it at church, I read on it, takes notes on it, blog from it, etc.

I'm excited about going paper free - saving some trees, not having to store a bunch of books and handwritten or typed notes all over my house...

Here are my favorite apps for my tablet:
  • Kindle reader
  • Documents to Go (the full version is well worth the money - it is the one app I have paid for)
  • Dropbox
  • Evernote
  • Pulse
When will you join the revolution? :)


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Some of us don't have money to spend on every electronic device that comes to the market.

  2. You probably would have money for more electronics if you didn't blow all your money on food and rent :) BTW, I got my tablet as a gift.

  3. I sometimes see people in church with these tablet or ipad things and always wonder if they are really reading the Bible on them, or merely playing computer games....

  4. The beauty of a tablet is that they are most likely doing both :)
