Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Archeological Proof of the Kingdom of David

One thing I love about the Bible is that as time goes on, and as more and more archeological work is done, archeological discoveries confirm the historicity of the Bible.

One of the most famous such discoveries was the discovery of the ruins of a great Hittite civilization in Turkey. The Bible mentioned the Hittites as a great and powerful nation, but because no reference to them was found outside of the Bible and no remains of a great Hittite civilization had be found, the Hittites were used as an example of how the Bible was not historically accurate....UNTIL the Hittite capital and records were unearthed in Bogazkoy, Turkey in the early 20th century, and it was found that the Biblical descriptions of them really were accurate.

Another claim that has been brought against the historicity of the Bible is that there is very little historical record of the Kingdom of David mentioned in the Bible. There are records of Solomon, but very few of David, and for this reason, some have questioned whether David actually lived, or whether he was a purely legendary figure.

CNN put out this video recently about some archeological discoveries which could be proof of David and his kingdom.

I have great confidence in the Bible, and I'm sure that with time more and more archeological discoveries will be made that prove the Bible to be historically accurate.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Köszi a linket - nem is tudtam, hogy ennyire nincs eddig erre bizonyíték...Egyébként érdekes, hogy ha valamit nem találnak az emberek, akkor rögtön az jön, hogy a Biblia nem is igazi - aztán meg persze kiderül, hogy ennél pontosabb feljegyzés nem is nagyon van. Pl. az is megtalálható benne, hogy a Föld gömbölyű - szóval sok vitát és máglyahalált meg lehetett volna spórolni, ha komolyan vették volna/vennék Isten szavát... Ja, és nagyon vicces, ahogy a bemondó affektálva beszél:o)))
