Sunday, March 24, 2013

Temetési Videók - Videos of the Funeral

Ez akkor készült amikor megérkeztünk és készültünk a temetésre, mielőtt megjöttek a gyászolók.

This was right when we arrived and we were setting up, before the funeral.

Jani beszéde. Ige hirdetésem után, Jani felállt és beszédet mondott. Nagy ütős volt. Nem tudom mennyire lehet hallani a felvételen mit mond, mert fújt a szél.

After I preached, Jani got up and spoke. It was powerful. It's a bit hard to hear what he's saying because of the wind.


  1. Thank you so much Nick for posting this! I've been praying for the Hernadi family and church. Hope Rosemary and the kids were well when you were in Eger. Blessings.

  2. Judit, I spent the evening with your parents! They are such great people! It was so nice to see them and have dinner with them.
