Yesterday we took Felicia back to the hospital in Budapest for a check up at the Developmental Neurology department. The report we got is that she is improving, but she is still not completely recovered. So, we need to just continue doing the physical therapy with her, and if we do, there is a good chance that she will have a total recovery.
This isn't really a surprise to us, and we are glad to hear that she is making progress and is on her way to recovery. Please pray for us that we would have perseverance in doing her therapy; it is very time consuming and very tiring, both for us and for her, and she often cries, which makes it harder for us :)
Tegnap visszavittük Felíciát Budapestre, a Margit Kórházba, kontrol vizsgálatra a Fejlődés Neurológia osztályon. Azt mondták, hogy javul, de még mindig nincs teljesen jól. Szóval, folytatni kell a fizioterápiát, és ha így folytatjuk, jó esélye van annak, hogy teljesen meg fog gyógyulni.
Ez a hír nem igazán meglepő a számunkra, de örülünk neki, hogy van javulása és halad előre. Kérlek, imádkozzatok azért, hogy kitartóak legyünk abban, hogy Felíciát tornáztatjuk. Nagyon sok időt igyénel és nagyon fárasztó - nekünk is meg neki is, és sokszor sír közben, ami nekünk nehezebbé teszi az egészet :)
Yesterday we also got to meet Robert and Enikő, who I wrote about last week. Their daughter Dorothy Grace is still in intensive care, and the whole family really needs prayer right now, as they are going through a very difficult time.
It was good to meet them, and share our experiences with them. We hope that they are encouraged in the Lord and they will find Him to be their strong tower and refuge. Please do continue to pray for their whole family!
Tegnap találkoztunk Roberttel és Enikővel, akikről írtam a múlt héten. A kislányuk, Dorothy Grace, még mindig az intenzíven van, és az egész családnak most nagy szüksége van az imáitokra, mivel egy nagyon nehéz időszakon mennek most keresztül.
Jó volt velük találkozni és megosztani a tapasztalatainkat. Reméljük, hogy megerősödött az Úrban való bizalmuk, és hogy nekik az Úr lesz az erős váruk és menedékük. Kérlek benneteket, hogy folytassátok az értük való imádkozást!
While we were meeting with Robert and Enikő we ran into the head doctor of the newborn ICU - the doctor who treated Felicia when she was in critical condition and who is now treating Dorothy Grace. He was amazed to see how healthy Felicia is now; when he saw her last she was still very sick. He encouraged us to support Robert and Enikő, and reminded us that their baby has a very similar problem to what ours did. God has done such a miracle in healing Felicia that it is hard to remember how bad her condition actually was only a few months ago.
Amikor Roberttel és Enikővel találkoztunk, összefutottunk az újszülött intenzív osztály főorvosával - ő az az orvos aki ellátta Felíciát amikor válságos állapotban volt, és aki most Dorothy Grace-t látja el. Nagyon csodákozott azon, hogy Felícia most már mennyire egészséges, mert amikor legutobb látta, még nagyon beteg volt. Arra bátoritott minket, hogy támogassuk Robertot és Enikőt, és emlékeztett arra, hogy az ő kisbabájuk nagyon hasonló helyzetben van mint amilyen a mi babánk volt. Isten annyira nagy csodát tett Felíciával, hogy nehéz arra emlékezni hogy mennyire rossz állapotban is volt csak néhány hónappal ezelőtt.
Also - the Developmental Neurology department at Margit Hospital has a Facebook page!
Amúgy - a Margit Kórház Fejlődés Neurológia osztálya fent van a Facebookon!
Here are some recent pictures: / Itt egy pár fénykép ami mostanában készült:
Balázs holding Felicia / Balázs tartja Felíciát
Nate sleeping with his stuffed dog
Nate, ahogy a plüss kutyával alszik
Nate and Adél holding hands at our church retreat
Nate és Adél kézenfogva sétálnak a gyülekezeti hétvégén
These days, if I ask Nate who his friends are, he says: "Korni and Adél. They're nice!"
Mostanában, ha megkérdezem Nate-et, hogy kik a barátjai, azt mondja: "Korni és Adél. Ők kedvesek!"
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Speak, the Hungarian Rapper
Someone sent me this video... It's so bad it hurts :)
Here's another hit from Speak the Hungarian Rapper:
Here's another hit from Speak the Hungarian Rapper:
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Kids These Days
- Nate says a lot of funny things these days. Today I told him: That's Dani's house. Nate replied: That's a donkey horse?
- We have been teaching Nate about God by watching the videos on this website. He understands them and loves watching them.
- Felicia is now 3 months old, and she is doing very well. She is really fat and really happy.
- She loves to try to sit up, and she loves to smile and "talk". She seems very personable, and loves it when people sit and look in her eyes and talk to her.
- Felicia has started reaching for things and grabbing toys.
- We are taking her back to the neurology department at the hospital in Budapest on Monday for a check up. We continue to do her physical therapy and are curious what the doctors will have to say about her condition. Please continue to pray for her!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Please Pray for Dorothy Grace!
I just got a phone call from a woman from Budapest. She attends the Calvary Chapel there, and she just had a baby who is in a very similar situation to the one our daughter Felicia was in. I would like to ask you to please pray for this precious little baby's complete healing and recovery, and for her parents too during this extremely difficult time.
Dorothy Grace was born on April 15th. Like Felicia, she was full term and was coming naturally when there were some complications. Dorothy also suffered a serious oxygen deficiency during birth, and was born with an Apgar score of 1. It is a miracle that she is alive. She was taken to the same neonatal ICU as Felicia, and is receiving the same hypothermia treatment from the same doctors.
Dorothy is now starting to wake up from the morphine, and this is a time when many things about her condition will become apparent. For us, this was one of the scariest and most stressful times (here's what I wrote about it then).
Dorothy has one complication which Felicia didn't have, in that she had seizures.
Please pray for Dorothy and ask others to pray for her as well. There is hope for her, and we have complete faith in God that He does miracles and hears the prayers of the saints; we have experienced it ourselves firsthand. Our greatest desire is that Dorothy would also experience total healing and complete recovery.
Please pray for the parents, Robert and Enikő, who are doing their best to trust God and pray for their little girl in this scary and stressful time. Like us, they also have a 2 year old son whom they need to take care of at the same time. They can use all the support you can give them.
Thank you!
Most telefonált nekem egy hölgy Budapestről. Ő és a ferje a pesti Golgota gyülekezetbe járnak, és most született egy kislányuk aki nagyon hasonló helyzetben van mint amilyen Felícia is volt. Kérlek benneteket, hogy imádkozzatok ennek a drága kislánynak a teljes gyógyulásáért és felépüléséért, illetve a szüleiért most ebben a számukra nagyon nehéz időben.
Dorothy Grace megszületett április 15-én. Felíciához hasonlóan, betöltötte a 40 hetet és természetes módon indult a szülés. Szülés közben bizonyos komplikációk voltak, és Dorothy oxigén hiányt szenvedett és 1-es apgár értékkel született. Egyszerűen csoda az, hogy él ez a kislány. Ugyanabba az újszülött intenzív osztályba vitték Dorothyt ahová Felíciát is, és ugyanazok az orvosok kezelik őt ugyanazzal a hideg kezeléssel.
Dorothy most ébredőzik a morfintól, amivel el volt altatva, és ez egy olyan időszak amikor sok minden ki fog derülni az állapotáról. Nekünk, ez az időszak az egyik legijesztőbb és legstesszesebb része volt (ez az amit én írtam róla akkor).
Dorothynak azonban volt egy másik komplikációja, ami Felíciának nem volt - görcsei is voltak.
Kérlek, imádkozzatok Dorothyért, és kérjétek másokat, hogy ők is imádkozzanak érte. Ez nem egy reménytelen eset, és teljes bizalmunk van Istenben, hogy ő meggyógyít és ő meghallja a szentek imáit - mi ezt megtapasztaltuk. Legnagyobb vágyunk, hogy Dorothy is megtapasztalja a teljes gyógyulást és helyreállást.
Kérlek, imádkozzatok a szülőkért is, Robert és Enikőért, akik igyekeznek Istenben bízni és kitartóan imádkozni a kislányukért ebben a stresszes és ijesztő időben. Hozzánk hasonlóan, nekik is van egy 2 éves kisfiú, akiért közben gondoskodniuk kell. Kérlek, támogassátok őket amennyiben csak tudtok.
Dorothy Grace was born on April 15th. Like Felicia, she was full term and was coming naturally when there were some complications. Dorothy also suffered a serious oxygen deficiency during birth, and was born with an Apgar score of 1. It is a miracle that she is alive. She was taken to the same neonatal ICU as Felicia, and is receiving the same hypothermia treatment from the same doctors.
Dorothy is now starting to wake up from the morphine, and this is a time when many things about her condition will become apparent. For us, this was one of the scariest and most stressful times (here's what I wrote about it then).
Dorothy has one complication which Felicia didn't have, in that she had seizures.
Please pray for Dorothy and ask others to pray for her as well. There is hope for her, and we have complete faith in God that He does miracles and hears the prayers of the saints; we have experienced it ourselves firsthand. Our greatest desire is that Dorothy would also experience total healing and complete recovery.
Please pray for the parents, Robert and Enikő, who are doing their best to trust God and pray for their little girl in this scary and stressful time. Like us, they also have a 2 year old son whom they need to take care of at the same time. They can use all the support you can give them.
Thank you!
Most telefonált nekem egy hölgy Budapestről. Ő és a ferje a pesti Golgota gyülekezetbe járnak, és most született egy kislányuk aki nagyon hasonló helyzetben van mint amilyen Felícia is volt. Kérlek benneteket, hogy imádkozzatok ennek a drága kislánynak a teljes gyógyulásáért és felépüléséért, illetve a szüleiért most ebben a számukra nagyon nehéz időben.
Dorothy Grace megszületett április 15-én. Felíciához hasonlóan, betöltötte a 40 hetet és természetes módon indult a szülés. Szülés közben bizonyos komplikációk voltak, és Dorothy oxigén hiányt szenvedett és 1-es apgár értékkel született. Egyszerűen csoda az, hogy él ez a kislány. Ugyanabba az újszülött intenzív osztályba vitték Dorothyt ahová Felíciát is, és ugyanazok az orvosok kezelik őt ugyanazzal a hideg kezeléssel.
Dorothy most ébredőzik a morfintól, amivel el volt altatva, és ez egy olyan időszak amikor sok minden ki fog derülni az állapotáról. Nekünk, ez az időszak az egyik legijesztőbb és legstesszesebb része volt (ez az amit én írtam róla akkor).
Dorothynak azonban volt egy másik komplikációja, ami Felíciának nem volt - görcsei is voltak.
Kérlek, imádkozzatok Dorothyért, és kérjétek másokat, hogy ők is imádkozzanak érte. Ez nem egy reménytelen eset, és teljes bizalmunk van Istenben, hogy ő meggyógyít és ő meghallja a szentek imáit - mi ezt megtapasztaltuk. Legnagyobb vágyunk, hogy Dorothy is megtapasztalja a teljes gyógyulást és helyreállást.
Kérlek, imádkozzatok a szülőkért is, Robert és Enikőért, akik igyekeznek Istenben bízni és kitartóan imádkozni a kislányukért ebben a stresszes és ijesztő időben. Hozzánk hasonlóan, nekik is van egy 2 éves kisfiú, akiért közben gondoskodniuk kell. Kérlek, támogassátok őket amennyiben csak tudtok.
Dorothy Grace,
Welcome Emily Marie!
Shane and Marianna's baby, Emily Marie Daniels, was born yesterday in Szolnok.
Baby and mommy are doing well, and we are so happy for them!
Praise the Lord for this beautiful baby - wishing all the best to Shane and Marcsi, and looking forward to meeting Emily in person!
Baby and mommy are doing well, and we are so happy for them!
Praise the Lord for this beautiful baby - wishing all the best to Shane and Marcsi, and looking forward to meeting Emily in person!
Friday, April 16, 2010
In the News
- A 3 month old baby died in South Korea, because the parents left it at home to go play a multi-player online video game.
I know a lot of people who play these games; I even played World of Warcraft for a while, and I know how time consuming and addictive they can be - which is precisely why I stopped playing. I have seen other people who get really into these games, and the destructive effects that it can have on their lives if they aren't careful. I have seen playing these games cause people to miss church, lose their job, be left by their girlfriend, and even fail classes and have to repeat a year of school - but a baby's death? That's extremely sad.
The couple has pleaded guilty and has been sent to a psychological evaluation, which means that the court is going to deal with the question of whether addiction to these games can be considered to impair judgment on the same level as drugs and alcohol.
It seems like bondage to me. Here's the news report about it: - I kind of like bizarre things, and this is pretty bizarre. It is a band of Oneness Pentacostals singing a song about people who believe in the Trinity.
- A Cardinal in the Vatican made a public statement this week that research indicates that celibacy doesn't lead to child abuse, but homosexuality does.
Also, the American College of Pediatricians issued a statement against the theory that people are born homosexual. - For the past few years I've considered the Emergent Church a non-issue, especially here in Hungary. According to this article it is now a non-issue everywhere, and the emergent church is really a thing of the past.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
More about Starbucks.
To add to what I wrote yesterday - I looked into it and found out that Starbucks already operates stores in Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria and according to Wikipedia they have a store in Serbia too - although I couldn't find any evidence of that on the internet.
Another thing that some people might find interesting, is that Starbucks also owns Seattle's Best Coffee company - a former competitor of theirs, which they purchased in 2003.
So, if you thought that by buying Seattle's Best coffee you were fighting against the big corporate giant of Starbucks, you actually were actually doing just the opposite. Oops :)
Another thing that some people might find interesting, is that Starbucks also owns Seattle's Best Coffee company - a former competitor of theirs, which they purchased in 2003.
So, if you thought that by buying Seattle's Best coffee you were fighting against the big corporate giant of Starbucks, you actually were actually doing just the opposite. Oops :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Starbucks in Hungary
There have been rumors for a long time about Starbucks coming to Hungary. They already have Starbucks in neighboring Austria and Romania, and probably in other places I don't know about yet.
A few months ago people started getting excited about Starbucks coming to Hungary, when a sign was put up in the Westend mall in Budapest, that a Starbucks was set to open there. Additionally, according to this blog, in January there was even a job listing posted in a Budapest newspaper for a manager for this Starbucks coffee shop.
But, it looks like Starbucks is not still not coming to Hungary just quite yet... Turns out that famous sign in the Westend mall was changed a few weeks later - and no longer says that Starbucks is coming, but that just a coffee shop will open there soon.
I think that Starbucks would do really well in Hungary, especially in Budapest, with so many foreigners living there. On the other hand, I can totally live without it. I've survived until now, and I will continue to survive without Starbucks' over-roasted and over-priced coffee beans.
There are other companies in Hungary that fill Starbucks' role in the gourmet coffee market: Austrian Coffee Shop Company, British Costa Coffee and Hungarian Café Frei. All of these companies are relatively new in Hungary, which makes me think that if Starbucks had come to Hungary a few years ago, they would have had a real corner on the market - whereas now they will just be another expensive gourmet coffee chain among multiple others.
If a Starbucks does eventually open in Budapest, I'm not sure I would go out of my way to go there when I can get nearly the same thing at the same high price right here in Eger at Coffee Shop Co. and Café Frei.
But if they opened a Taco Bell... well, then I would be interested. It's funny the things you crave, when you can't have them :)
A few months ago people started getting excited about Starbucks coming to Hungary, when a sign was put up in the Westend mall in Budapest, that a Starbucks was set to open there. Additionally, according to this blog, in January there was even a job listing posted in a Budapest newspaper for a manager for this Starbucks coffee shop.
But, it looks like Starbucks is not still not coming to Hungary just quite yet... Turns out that famous sign in the Westend mall was changed a few weeks later - and no longer says that Starbucks is coming, but that just a coffee shop will open there soon.
I think that Starbucks would do really well in Hungary, especially in Budapest, with so many foreigners living there. On the other hand, I can totally live without it. I've survived until now, and I will continue to survive without Starbucks' over-roasted and over-priced coffee beans.
There are other companies in Hungary that fill Starbucks' role in the gourmet coffee market: Austrian Coffee Shop Company, British Costa Coffee and Hungarian Café Frei. All of these companies are relatively new in Hungary, which makes me think that if Starbucks had come to Hungary a few years ago, they would have had a real corner on the market - whereas now they will just be another expensive gourmet coffee chain among multiple others.
If a Starbucks does eventually open in Budapest, I'm not sure I would go out of my way to go there when I can get nearly the same thing at the same high price right here in Eger at Coffee Shop Co. and Café Frei.
But if they opened a Taco Bell... well, then I would be interested. It's funny the things you crave, when you can't have them :)
Friday, April 09, 2010
Itt az Idő, Válasszátok
Amint tudjátok, vasárnap lesz a parlamenti választás. Nem szeretek politizálni és úgy sem szavazhatok Magyarországon, de szerintem fontos dolog részt venni a demokráciában úgy, hogy az ember elmenjen szavazni.
Ez a választó polgár egy példakép mindannyiunknak, hogy miért szavazzunk:
This Sunday will be the parliamentary election here in Hungary. I don't like to argue politics, and I can't vote in Hungary, but I think it's a good thing to take part in the democratic process by going out to vote.
This voting citizen is an example for us all as to why we should vote.
Ez a választó polgár egy példakép mindannyiunknak, hogy miért szavazzunk:
This Sunday will be the parliamentary election here in Hungary. I don't like to argue politics, and I can't vote in Hungary, but I think it's a good thing to take part in the democratic process by going out to vote.
This voting citizen is an example for us all as to why we should vote.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Contextualization for Toddlers
Contextualization = n. the process of interpreting and explaining text, without changing its essential meaning, to make it understandable for those in a specific human situation.
Contextualization is one of the most important aspects of sharing the Gospel. It means to make it understandable to a person within the context they are in - using terms and examples which makes understandable a message which is very much outside their personal experience of the world.
Contextualization is a major task of missionaries, specifically those who work amongst people who have never heard the Gospel, as they try to explain to them the concepts of the Christian faith.
Essentially, Jesus is the ultimate example of contextualization, when God made himself known to us in terms which we could comprehend by becoming a man and coming to earth.
The writers of the New Testament practiced contextualization in explaining a very Jewish Gospel message to the Greek speaking Gentile world.
In church, every Sunday, preachers practice contextualization by explaining to people on every corner of the world the ancient text of the Bible in terms which make sense to them in their cultural setting.
And here in the Cady household, I witnessed an amazing example of contextualization the other day, as Rosemary was explaining to Nate the Easter story, seeking to do it in a way that would be relevant and understandable to him.
She told him: Jesus went on the cross, and got owies. He got owies on the cross to help everybody. Just like when you get spankings for being naughty - Jesus got the spanking instead, even though he wasn't naughty, so that you wouldn't have to get it - because he loves you!
And it seems that Nate gets it on some level. The other night he came and pressed his finger into my wrist and told me - "Owies. Jesus got owies on the cross."
Rosemary - you are a true missionary; you know how to contextualize the Gospel, even for our toddler. You're the best!
Contextualization is one of the most important aspects of sharing the Gospel. It means to make it understandable to a person within the context they are in - using terms and examples which makes understandable a message which is very much outside their personal experience of the world.
Contextualization is a major task of missionaries, specifically those who work amongst people who have never heard the Gospel, as they try to explain to them the concepts of the Christian faith.
Essentially, Jesus is the ultimate example of contextualization, when God made himself known to us in terms which we could comprehend by becoming a man and coming to earth.
The writers of the New Testament practiced contextualization in explaining a very Jewish Gospel message to the Greek speaking Gentile world.
In church, every Sunday, preachers practice contextualization by explaining to people on every corner of the world the ancient text of the Bible in terms which make sense to them in their cultural setting.
And here in the Cady household, I witnessed an amazing example of contextualization the other day, as Rosemary was explaining to Nate the Easter story, seeking to do it in a way that would be relevant and understandable to him.
She told him: Jesus went on the cross, and got owies. He got owies on the cross to help everybody. Just like when you get spankings for being naughty - Jesus got the spanking instead, even though he wasn't naughty, so that you wouldn't have to get it - because he loves you!
And it seems that Nate gets it on some level. The other night he came and pressed his finger into my wrist and told me - "Owies. Jesus got owies on the cross."
Rosemary - you are a true missionary; you know how to contextualize the Gospel, even for our toddler. You're the best!
Jesus Christ,
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