Friday, September 04, 2009

5 Years Ago Today

It seems like just yesterday, but hey, time flies when you're having fun, right?
Here's to my beautiful bride. May our life together continue to be built upon the Rock.


  1. It was a great, fun wedding!

  2. I had never seen your wedding photos. Absolutely Stunning!!!!--Trudy

  3. Thanks! We really enjoyed our wedding. Rosemary was a beautiful bride!

  4. Gratulálok! Mindig csodálkoztam a sztoritokon, hogy eljön ennek a seholsincs országnak egy nevesincs városkájába a nagy Ámerika két szélső határáról egy-egy emberke és itt találják meg egymást... Isten nagyon tud szervezni... :)

  5. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Rosebud you still look amazing.

  6. yeah...
    i have not seen them either.
    i am glad that i could met with you guys in this life!-i dont know what should i say...congrats, gz, many happy retourns or marry xmas...-.-'
    God bless you!
    with the hope to see you guys soon!

  7. @Ági: Köszi! Tényleg jó az Úr - a szervezésben is :)
    @Dani: We are glad to know you too. You are a treasure and a blessing to many. We look forward to the time when God will bring you back to Eger, whenever that is.

  8. I can't believe it's been 5 years, amazing. It was a beautiful day, you both looked so happy and in love. I'm so happy I was there for it, I wouldn't have missed it for the world! Love you both!

  9. This was a beautiful wedding, the dinner was spectacular,and that celing was so beautiful that is the first really nice picture of it I have seen it was so weird, you could hear the conversations from the table at the other end of the room like they were right next to you... loved it all..
