Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Family Update

I am exhausted. I think I'm more exhausted than I've ever been in my whole life... I'm going to bed soon, but I wanted to mention a few things for those of you who are praying and thinking about our family. We are very thankful for your love and support.
Ki vagyok merülve - jobban mint bármikor az életemben... Nem sokká megyek aludni, de először szeretnék írni egy pár dolgot amit még nem mondtam azok számára akik imádkoznak a családunkért és törődnek velünk. Nagyon hálásak vagyunk a szeretetetekért és támogatásotokért.
  • Rosemary will come home from the hospital tomorrow! I was planing to go to Budapest to see Felicia, but I might stay home to help Rosemary. Hopefully we can both go up on Thursday, and maybe Felicia will be waking up by that time...!
    Rosemaryt holnap engedik haza a kórházból! Terveztem, hogy holnap felmegyek Pestre Felíciát meglátogatni, de valószínúleg itthon fogok maradni, hogy Rosemarynek segítsek. Remélhetőleg csütörtökön együtt tudunk majd felmenni hozzá, és lehet hogy akkorra Felícia elkezd ébredőzni...!
  • Felicia has pneumonia. This is nothing new, but I haven't said it so clearly before. This is caused by the meconium in her lungs, and will take many days to heal. The good news is that she hasn't gotten any other infections in addition to this. Please pray for healing from the pneumonia and protection from infection.
    Felíciának tüdőgyuladása van. Ez nem egy új dolog, de azt hiszem, hogy ezt még nem mondtam így, egyszerűen. Ez a tüdejében lévő mekoniumtól van, és több napra van szükség, hogy ez meggyógyuljon. A jó hír az, hogy még nincs ezen kivül fertőzése. Kérlek, imádkozzatok egy gyors gyógyulásért a tüdőgyuladásból és védelemért a fertőzésektől.
  • When Felicia was born, her Apgar score was 1 (out of 10).
    Amikor Felícia megszületett, az Apgar értéke 1 volt (10-ből).
  • Right now Felicia's EEG reading shows that probably she doesn't have major brain damage, because there is brain activity, but only an MRI will show the true situation, which is only possible after she is no longer on a respirator.
    Jelenleg, Felícia EEG állása azt mutatja, hogy valószínú, nincs nagyon jelentős agyi károsodása, mivel van agyi működése, de csak MR vizsgálat után fogják tudni teljesen mi a helyzet, ami csak akkor lehetséges, ha már nincs hozzá kötve lélegeztetőgéphez.
  • Felicia's condition is the same today as yesterday, and the doctors are trying to slowly ween her off of the support of the medications and machines, but at the best they expect she will be in the ICU for at least 10 more days.
    Felícia állapota változatlan tegnaphoz képes, és az orvosok azon dolgoznak, hogy szép-lassan leveszik a gyógyszeres és gépi támogatásoktól. Előreláthatólag, ha minden jól megy, még legalább 10 napig lesz bent az intenzív osztályon.
God is good. Thank you all for your continued prayer and support! God is answering our prayers!
Jó az Úr. Köszönjük szépen a további imákat és támogatást! Az Úr meghallgatja az imáinkat!


  1. Praise God! In my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Nick and Rosemary, We are very proud of you; your faith, strength of character, and support of one another is apparent in how you have conducted yourselves through this ordeal. We are grateful to God that He has blessed you with these characteristics, and has allowed you to share His word with others in your communications to so many readers of your blog. We trust the Lord to refresh you and allow you to continue spiritually, emotionally, and physically in the care and encouragement of one another. You have our love and prayers.

  3. We are praying too and are so happy to hear the improvments. God is gracious and loves your whole family so much. Hang in there, people are praying in Boise for you guys. we love you very much. the McCalls

  4. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Hi Nick and Rosemary,

    You and your baby Felicia are in our prayers. Heidi & David Corrigan

  5. Welcome home Rosemary. I hope you heal quickly and soon feel like yourself again. I'll bet you are sooo glad to come home! Nick I hope you can get some much needed rest and rejuvenate before Felicia comes home. Neither of you will get any sleep when she comes home and I know it won't matter one bit - you'll just be thankful she home.
    Our prayers continue.
    Lots of love,
    Aunt Merilyn & Uncle Bill

  6. Anonymous2:30 PM

    We continue praying with much love.
    The Lord continues hearing, and speaking into
    and over Felicia's life. He loves her sooo much! SO much!
    "Those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." Ps 91:1
    Dwell in Him, and you will find rest, even in
    this time of molding and purification.
    All 4 of you will only shine brighter - for His glory!
    We love you.
    Isabella and the Boys

  7. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Hi Nick&Rosemary, we'll keep praying for Felicia, I'm sure god is now healing her. Don't be so worried, rest well and have peace in your mind. You guys need to be strong&energetic,otherwise when Felicia comes home, you don't have the energy to take good care of her."Do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy"Peter 4:12-13

    God bless you&your family! Trust in God!

    Melissa&some sisters from Helsinki

  8. Nick and Rosemary,
    I am praying for little Felicia that God would do a speedy miracle in her tiny body. I know He has a special plan and purpose for all this difficulty and He will use it to bring Him glory ultimately.
    With much love and prayers,
    Amy (Entzminger) Lathrop
