Friday, January 22, 2010

Problem with Baby - Please Pray!

(Magyar verzió lent van)

There is good news and bad news.

Good news:
  • Felicia Pearl Cady was born this morning at around 8:20. She is alive.
  • Rosemary is fine.
Bad news:
  • When we got to the hospital this morning, they checked the amniotic fluid, and found miconium (first poop) in it. They could barely find a heart beat, so they did an emergency c-section.
  • Felicia had the miconium go into her lungs and was without oxygen for some time. When she came out she was totally blue, limp and not able to breathe on her own. She was not moving.
  • She has been taken in a special ambulance to Budapest, where they treat babies with this condition. I am going to leave for Budapest in a few minutes to be with her. The next 24 hrs are critical.
  • According to the doctor, anything can happen at this point. It is possible she won't survive, but also possible that she could have a total recovery and be fine. There is a serious danger that she could have lasting effects from the lack of oxygen to her vital organs - and a chance of brain damage.
PLEASE PRAY that Felicia would have a full recovery and total restoration.
Please pray for Rosemary, Nate, and Balázs. Rosemary will be in the hospital for 5 days recovering.
We are thankful to the Lord for all the blessings He has shown us today. It is amazing that we got to the hospital in time - the doctor said that if we would have been 10 min later, she would not have survived. We are thankful that there is special care available, and we are thankful for all the people who have kindly helped us and prayed for us.
We are hoping and praying for total recovery, that Felicia could live a healthy life. Thank you for praying.

Jó hír:
  • Cady Felícia Pearl ma 8:20 körül megszületett. Életben van.
  • Rosemary jól van.
Rossz hír:
  • Amikor megérkeztünk a kórházba ma reggel, megnézték a magzat vízet, és láttak, hogy mekonium (első kaki) volt benne. Alíg találtak szívhangot, és ezért sürgős császár meccést csináltak.
  • A mekonium Felícia tüdőibe ment, és egy ideig oxigén nélkül volt. Amikor kijött, teljesen kék volt, nem mozgott, és nem tudott levegőt venni magától.
  • Elszállították egy speciális mentőautóval pestre, ahol ilyen állapotú babákat ellátnak. Hamarosan elindulok pestre én is, hogy vele legyek. A következő 24 óra kritikus.
  • Az orvos szerint, most bármi lehetséges. Az is lehetséges, hogy nem fog túl élni, és az is lehetséges hogy teljesen meggyógyul és minden rendben lesz. Arra is van komoly veszély, hogy az oxigén hiány miatt tartosan megsérültek a szervei - arra is van esély, hogy agysérülés lesz.
KÉRLEK, IMÁDKOZZATOK, hogy Felícia meggyógyuljon teljesen, és hogy teljes helyreállás legyen.
Kérlek, imádkozzatok Rosemaryért, Nate-ért, és Balázsért. Rosemary 5 napig bent marad a kórházban.
Nagyon hálások vagyunk az Úrnak mindazokért az áldásokért amikkel megáldott minket ma. Annyira jó, hogy időben odaértünk a kórházba - az orvos azt mondta, hogy ha 10 perccel később jöttünk volna, akkor tuti, hogy nem élt volna. Hálások vagyunk, hogy van ez a speciális ellátás, és hálások vagyunk mindazokért az emberekért akik kedvesen segítenek nekünk és imádkoznak értünk.
Reménykedünk és imádkozunk teljes gyógyulás és helyreállásért, hogy Felícia egy egészséges életet tudjon élni. Köszönjük, hogy imádkoztok.


  1. Praying for God to completely heal Felicia and grant Rose a speedy recovery and plenty of sleep to help accomplish that. My heart goes out to all of you. I wish I could be there to help in any way, even though we haven't met. But I know that God sending Jesus to gather us into His family is evidence of His fiercely determined good will toward us, and He is trustworthy as your greatest friend through this.

    Jo Smith
    Friend of Shane and Marianna

  2. Lidia3:28 PM

    definitely praying!

  3. agith mathew4:32 PM

    praying for all you guys

  4. I'm Jodi Yoder's sister. She told me about your baby. We're praying for Felicia! God be with you.

  5. David and Csilla Muscan4:51 PM

    All of you are in our thoughts and prayers!!

  6. Nick - My thoughts are with all of you this morning. My heart aches and I hope that your daughter recovers. Oh Nick, I am so torn apart reading this. I am sorry you are going through this. I love you cousins.

  7. Corrie6:54 PM

    Praise God! Still praying.....

  8. I'm so sorry you have to go through this, my family and I are praying for you guys, may God heal this little baby girl and give her a healthy, joyful life! - Zsuzsi and Sam Khoury

  9. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Laszlo's friends in North Carolina are praying!

  10. We're praying! And we're passing on the prayer request to more CA prayer warriors. God is strong and He's moving on your behalf. Praying for wisdom for the doctors, healing of baby Felicia, and a peace that passes all understanding for you. Love you!!
    -Jason and Angie VanderBurgh

  11. Anonymous7:59 PM

    We are praying for you all. My heart is so heavy. I can only imagine how difficult this is for you all-and I know your faith will help you through this.

    We love you all,
    Aunt Merilyn & Uncle Bill

  12. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I hope you all will be fine soon.

  13. Thank you to all of you. Your kind words and prayers are very much appreciated.
    I will be updating the blog with information as I get it.

  14. Anonymous8:28 PM

    We love you guys and definetly are praying for the whole family, because we understand how hard it is for you. But we have a God, who is the God of impossibles, and He will heal this precious little girl. Zita and Scharpie

  15. Lilly9:06 PM

    You and your family are in my prayers. God Bless.

  16. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Praying for you all! fruzsi

  17. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Praying for Felicia to have a full recovery and total restoration. Praying for Rosemary, Nick, Nate, and Balázs.

    - Kristen Huffman
    friend of Shane & Marianna

  18. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Jesus please assist your family.

  19. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Jesus is assisting your family.

  20. Cecelia9:11 PM

    Nick and Rosemary I'm so sorry you are going through this. My heart and my love goes out to you. I hope your precious baby Felicia has a full recovery. My love to you all.
    Aunt Cecelia
