Saturday, January 30, 2010

Felicia Update and Video

Felicia got moved out of the ICU today!
In one week's time, she went from being in the worst condition in the ICU to being the best. God is gracious!
Felíciát már áthelyezték az intenzív osztályról!
Egy hét alatt, annyit javult, hogy a legrosszabb állapotú gyermek volt az intenzív osztályon, és már ő a legjobb állapotú. Isten kegyelmes!

The danger of brain damage is still there. Today she was scheduled for an MRI, but because of a big snow storm they were not able to transport her to the necessary building, so her MRI is postponed until Monday.
The doctor also said that because of her oxygen deficiency at birth, she will require special treatment to help her development. During the first year of life, the brain of a baby is still formable and can be helped to recover even if damage has taken place.
Az agyi károsodás veszélye még fenn áll. Ma ki volt írva MR vizsgálatra, de a nagy hó esés miatt nem tudták szállítani a másik épületbe, úgyhogy csak hétfőn lesz az MR vizsgálata.

Az orvos azt is mondta, hogy az oxigén hiánya miatt, különleges kezelést igényel, hogy segítsen a fejlődésének. Egy kisbaba élete első évében az agya még formálható és lehet előresegíteni a fejlődést különböző gyakorlatokkal, akkor is ha valamilyen károsodás megtörtént.

We had a nice time with her today, and are so thankful for her progress, yet continuing to pray for her total recovery.
Here is a video from yesterday, when we got to really meet her for the first time:
Jó volt ma időt tölteni vele, és annyira hálásak vagyunk a javulásáért, de továbbra imádkozunk a teljes gyógyulásáért.
Ez a videó tegnap készült, amikor igazán találkoztunk vele először:


  1. Anonymous11:57 PM


  2. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Hala az URNAK ezeken a csodas perceken:)Tovabra is imatkozunk!Kisfiam Izsak nagyon megorult amikor meglatta Felicia kepeit amikor mar ebren van.Kitartoan imatkozik erette habar meg csak 4 eves:)Katarina

  3. Judit1:00 AM

    thank you for posting this video! She is very precious, sweet little girl!
    Keep continue to thank God and praying for Her brain to get 100% healthy! Go God! Praise The Lord! love you guys!

  4. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Hi Nick, your Cousin here. What an uplifting video. She's so responsive to your voices and I could have sworn I saw a look that was much like a smile in there, not once, but twice. I really think she looks so aware and responsive that the MRI will show she is Neurologically sound, but we're in prayer still and always, nonetheless.

    All our love - the package I sent should be there in about 3 or 4 weeks. The Icons I held while I prayed for little Felicia are in there. It is more than obvious that God has a plan for this little one, I think. Much love to you both.


  5. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Wow, amazing video, thanks for posting it. I have tears of joy and greatfulness. Our God is a great big God! How are you Rosemary? We continue to pray for Felicia and for you all! Our love to you! Zita and Scharpie

  6. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Kedves mama és papa!

    Gratulálunk gyönyörű kislányotokhoz. Így orvos szemmel nézve a videót, nagyon reménytelinek tűnik a helyzet. Egy súlyos oxigénhiányos baba nem így szokott reagálni a külvilágra, nem így mozog... Felicia szinte beszélget veletek. :) Hála a mi Istenünknek.

    Szeretettel gondolunk rátok: Zita és Dani

  7. YAY! we've been praying for you all, and are so encouraged by your recent posts. Hang in there, and rest comfortably knowing that the Lord is holding you up.
    Crista (Jenni S.'s sister) & family.

  8. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Oh Lord, Your love reaches to the heavens
    and Your faithfulness to the skies. And
    how priceless is Your UNFAILING LOVE!
    (Psalm 36)

    We are rejoicing with you with tears of awe
    and thanksgiving to our Father and the Lord
    Jesus Christ, His only Son.

    We pray the Lord continues His love to you,
    and will reveal Himself to many through
    little Felicia, declaring His glory even in
    the very first weeks of her life. Amazing
    God we have! Amazing!

    With much love.
    Isabella & the Boys

  9. What an beautiful video of God's amazing grace! Your little angel is a miracle, a gift from above, as every good and perfect gift comes from Him above. Thank you for the work you are doing, yearning to share the gospel on the other side of the world with a broken, lost world who lives without the hope of our Savior. Thank you both for being the ones to GO and serve Him and strengthen his Kingdom! May your little girl grow up to share her story of God's grace and mercy in the beginning of her own life, and may she learn of the AMAZING plans God has for her life, as revealed in Jeremiah 29:11! May you be blessed richly!

    By His Grace,
    Wendy Frady
    First Baptist Church
    Charlottesville, VA
