Monday, January 25, 2010

Felicia Update 4

It shall come to pass, when he cries unto Me, that I will hear; for I am gracious. - Exodus 22:27
Bizony, ha Hozzám kiált segítségért, meghallgatom, mert Én kegyelmes vagyok. - 2.Mózes 22:26

I was in Budapest today visiting Felicia at the clinic. I am back in Eger now, but am SUPER tired, so I will make this short.
Ma fent voltam Pesten Felíciát meglátogatni a klinikán. Most már itthon vagyok Egerben, de HULLA fáradt vagyok, úgyhogy ezt rövidre fogom vágni.
  • For the first time, Felicia's condition is stable. Praise the Lord for this!
    Ma, először mondta az orvos, hogy Felícia állapota stabil. Dicsőség az Úrnak ezért!
  • Her blood pressure medication was reduced today, and her blood pressure is now stronger on its own - this is an answer to prayer!
    Ma lecsökkentették azt a gyógyszert ami megerősíti a vérnyomását, és a vérnyomása most már erősebb magától - ez is egy meghallgatott ima!
  • At one point today, Felicia was taken off of oxygen support completely - which means she was still on a ventilator, but she was breathing normal air! Later on she had to be put back on oxygen support because her blood-oxygen level dropped, and she is now receiving 30% oxygen - which is still an improvement from yesterday.
    A mai napon volt egy olyan pont, amikor teljesen levették Felíciát az oxigén támogatásról. Ez azt jelenti, hogy még mindig géppel lélegeztették, viszont sima levegőt tudott venni! Később megint szüksége volt oxigén támogatásra mivel a vérében lévő oxigén szintje lejebb ment, és jelenleg csak 30%-nyi oxigént kap - de az is javulás a tegnaphoz képes.
  • I was able to talk to the head doctor today, and he told me that he believes that her airways and lungs will heal completely and she will be able to breathe on her own normally. This is an amazing thing, because they were worried in the beginning that she would not be able to breathe without assistance. Praise God for this improvement.
    Lehetőségem volt ma beszélni a főorvossal, és azt mondta nekem, hogy ő meg van győzödve arról, hogy Felícia légiútjai és tüdője teljesen meg fognak gyógyulni és majd képes lesz magától lélegezni normálisan. Ez egyszerűen csodálatos, mert az elején attól féltek, hogy nem lesz képes levegőt venni támogatás nélkül. Dicsőség Istennek ezért a javulásért!
  • Today they began the process of increasing Felicia's body temperature to a normal level. While they do this, they are monitoring her brain activity, to see if there is any brain damage. As of now, she is almost at a normal body temperature (37 C) and so far everything looks good.
    Ma elkezdték azt a folyamatot, hogy felmelegítik Felícia test hőmersékletét normális szintre. E közben figyelik az agyi működését, hogy meglássák van-e agykárosodás. Jelenleg majdnem normális test hőmersékletre (37 C) melegedett fel, és úgy néz ki, hogy minden oké.
  • The doctor said that right now he considers her a low risk for brain damage! This is very encouraging to hear, because when she was born she was considered high risk for death and brain damage. God is gracious!
    Az orvos azt mondta, hogy Felícia most már "alacsony rizikó"-nak számit az agykárosodásra! Ez nagyon bátorító hír, mert amikor megszületett, magas rizikónak számított, hogy elhuny és hogy lesz agykárosodása. Kegyelmes az Úr!
  • Some time tomorrow, if her body temperature is normal, and her brain activity looks good, then they will start to take her off of morphine, which means that if everything goes well, in about 2 or 3 days she should wake up! This is not a sure thing - but it is exciting nonetheless.
    Valamikor holnap, ha a test hőmerséklete normális szinten van és az agyi működése jól néz ki, elkezdenek levenni Felíciát a morfinról, ami azt jelenti, hogy ha minden jól megy, 2-3 nap múlva fel fog ébredni! Ez még nem biztos - de azért nagyon izgi.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. It has been so encouraging for us to receive your messages!
Köszönjük a sok sok imát és támogatást. Az üzeneteitek nagyon bátorítóak a számunkra!


  1. agith2:20 AM

    it's wonderful to see and hear how God is assisting in your daughter's life. she truly is a fighter, one tough cookie. i'm elated to hear the good news and will be praying for more positive updates. God bless you Cady family especially baby Felicia.

  2. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Thank you God. I will continue to pray for you guys and Felicia as I am now. God bless you guys.

    "Some trust in chariots, some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7

    Your bro in Christ,

  3. Thank you for the updates Nick! We are so pleased with Felicia's progress! Prayers are being answered! Give Rosemary a hug for us and little Nate too. I imagine this has been very hard for him to be out of his normal routine and Mommy gone & Daddy in and out. Kids adjust though, thank goodness. Love you all,
    Aunt Merilyn & Uncle Bill

  4. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Praise the Lord! Be strong and courageous brother.


  5. Continuted Prayer for all the family, oh my goodness what a day for you both, May God give you the grace to keep healthy, and Little Nate to be strong with out the watchful eyes all the time.
    May RoseMary heal completly and quickly, and Balez (sorry on the spelling) be a right hand man for you both. I am praying for a little sign of wonder tomarrow and that the doctors to continue to be amazed so as a witness of Gods love is over powering. Kiss her for us here in Denver. LOVE A KIM

  6. Praying for you guys!
    (Felicia a Mexikói úti Kórházban van?)

  7. Hála, hála, hála az Úrnak ezért a kis gyönyörűségért!!! Gyógyulj meg, kicsi cica, itthon már nagyon várunk!!!! Szeretünk!

    Gondolom, sokan vannak most körülöttetek, de bármi segítség kellene (főzni, bevásárolni), akkor csak egy telefon!
    Végül is mi lesz Rosemary-vel, kapott szállást Pesten? Ő hogy van?

  8. Cecelia7:39 AM

    Oh Nick, this is such wonderful news! I'm so happy to hear of these improvements. Little Felicia is such a beautiful sweet angel and I hope she will be home with all of you soon. Take care of yourself and Rosemary and your boys. Love you.
    Aunt Cecelia

  9. Ahh, praise the Lord! We will keep praying for COMPELETE HEALING! Much love to all of you!

  10. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Praise the Lord. :o))) I will keep praying. Kincses J.

  11. Anonymous1:48 PM

    It is so good to see the hand of the Lord in Felicia's life. She is such a treasure!!!
    I'll keep praying for her... Kati B.

  12. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Thank you Nick. The Lord is so faithful.

    I love you all Rosebud you are ever so in my thoughts and prayers.


  13. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Praise God for the wonderful news. Felicia and you guys are continously in our prayers.

    Anil and Biby

    Ephesians 3:20
    "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us..."

  14. We are so glad to read this, you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. - Zsuzsi Khoury

  15. Shelby & Sue Lawson5:55 PM

    She is beautiful, Nick, and what a great report. God hears our prayers, that is for sure. We will continue to pray for you here in Colorado and we have faith that Felicia will be OK. God bless you & Rosemary and your wonderful family!

  16. What encouraging news. I continue to pray for little Felicia, as well as for you. May God bless you and strengthen you during this difficult time.

  17. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Imadkozunk ertetek, Isten jo. Udv, Gyuri, Icu,

  18. Kristin and Travis7:30 PM

    That is so awesome! God truly does hear our prayers and answers them!!

    She looks like Nate :)

    We're still praying for you all.

  19. Anonymous10:51 PM

    I'm praying for Felicia's life. Kata from Golgota, Vác

  20. Nick and Rosemary- We are so relieved to hear Felicia is doing better! Thanks be to God! She is absolutely beautiful and precious and so very blessed to have a Mommy and Daddy like you two! You guys are in our every prayer! Love your cousin, Heather, Brian and Kevin

  21. Thank you all so much.

    @Gabi - Az ulloi uton van a semmelweis klinikan.
