Sunday, January 24, 2010

Felicia Pictures

Today we had Rosemary moved to a special private room, and Nate and I were able to visit her and spend a few hours together with her. She will probably be in the hospital until Tuesday, so if anyone would like to visit her tomorrow, it is possible, just please call her first.
Ma Rosemaryt átköltöztettük egy magán szobába, és Nate-tel volt lehetőségünk meglátogatni és több órát együtt tölteni vele. Előreláthatólag, keddig bent lesz a kórházban, úgyhogy ha valaki meg szeretné látogatni, lehetséges, csak először hivd fel Rosemaryt.
  • I talked to the doctor about how Felicia is doing. Last night she received a blood transfusion, because she was not producing enough blood. As a result of the transfusion, the oxygen level in her blood increased, and she only required a concentration of 30-40%, compared to the 53% she required when I left her last night. This is an improvement, and the first time the doctor has actually told me that she has improved. PRAISE THE LORD for this!
    Beszéltem az orvossal, hogy Felícia hogy van. Tegnap este kapott vért, mert a szervezete nem termel eleget. Az új vér miatt az vére oxigén szintje megemelkedett, és csak 30-40%-nyi oxigén koncentrációját igényelt, összehasonlítva azzal, hogy 53%-nyi koncentrációt igényelt tegnap este amikor elhagytam a klinikát. Ez volt az első alkalom, hogy az orvos azt mondta nekem, hogy van javulás. DICSŐSÉG AZ ÚRNAK ezért!
  • Despite the improvement in her condition, she is still in critical condition, and her blood pressure still requires medication to remain at an acceptable level. There is hope, and more and more signs of hope.
    A javulás ellenére, még mindig válságos az állapota, és a vérnyomása még mindig gyógyszeres támogatásra van szüksége, hogy elfogadható szinten maradjon. Van remény, és egyre több jel van a reményre.
  • Some time in the next few days they will stop the treatment of cooling her head, at which time they will see how her brain functions when at a normal temperature. Please pray for this, as this is still a serious concern.
    Valamikor a következő pár napon belül be fogják fejezni a fej-hűtési kezelést, és akkor derül ki, hogy milyen az agyi működése amikor normális hőmersékletre felmelegszik. Kérlek, imádkozzatok ezért, mivel ez még mindig egy komoly kérdés.
Here are some pictures:
Itt van néhány fénykép:

This is when they took her from the Eger hosptial to Budapest in the ambulance:
Ez volt amikor elszállították az egri kórházból pestre mentőautóval:

These were taken yesterday in the clinic:
Ezek tegnap készültek a klinikán:


  1. Praise God indeed!
    praying always

    your brother in christ

  2. Anonymous10:27 PM

    We Love You and pray for You!

    Dani & Zita

  3. Anonymous10:35 PM

    we keep praying. This morning everyone prayed at the South Budapest church.

  4. Hi Nick & Rosemary,
    Felica is a beautiful little girl! We are praying for her. There is trememdous power in prayer. Uncle Bill and I were wondering how much Felica weighed at birth - seeing these pictures tells us she was not underweight. She looks so beautiful and her coloring is very good.
    She has such a sweet little mouth and we just want to kiss her litle cheeks!
    Love you all Aunt Merilyn & Uncle Bill

  5. Nick,
    Thanks for posting the pictures! Your photography is great as always!
    Hugs Aunt Merilyn

  6. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Milyen gyönyörű baba!!!

  7. Nick & Rosemary, we love you guys & are praying for you! The church in Szeged is also praying! If there is anything we can do, please let us know!

    love, kyle & odi

  8. Nick and Rosemary,

    You have a beautiful baby girl, Congratulations! We will continue to pray for her and for health, patience and strength for all that you are currently going through.

    Josh Yoder and family

  9. Sweet little Munchkin! She is so beautiful! We continue to pray! Thanks for posting the pictures!

  10. Thank you all so much for your prayers, concern and kindness.

    @Aunt Merilyn - Her weight at birth was 3 kg (6.6 lbs) and her length was 57 cm (22.4 in).
    Until the day of her birth, the doctors had been amazed that she was in OPTIMAL health - as was Rosemary. This is definitely to her benefit that she is in good weight and developed so well until the end of the pregnancy.

    @Laci - Please send my greetings and thanks to the Dél-pesti Golgota Gyülekezet.

  11. Thanks again everyone. Greetings and thanks to the Szeged church too!

  12. Cecelia11:47 PM

    Hi Nick & Rosemary. Little Felicia is a beautiful baby! Thank you for keeping us updated on her status and for posting the pictures. I'm so happy to hear that she is improving, that makes my heart jump for joy. I'm glad Rosemary is doing well and hope that you and Nate are holding up through all of this trauma. My love to all of you.
    Aunt Cecelia

  13. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Beautyful Baby! God heal Her and bless you all!


  14. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Hi Nick and Rosemary! We are so happy to hear that there is improvement in her healing. God is so good and faithful! Thank you so much for the pictures, she is just so adorable little baby girl! God will keep her and bless her! The Baja church is praying as well! Our love to you guys! Zita and Scharpie
    PS: keep us posted, so encouraging to read about her

  15. Anonymous12:51 AM

    The baby is really cute and adorable! There are lots of people back here in Colorado praying for you guys! God Bless you, keep you, and be gracious upon all of you! Lots of love to you all!

    Ryan and Anita

  16. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Rosemary sajnalom hogy ijen korulmenyek kozott talaltam rad es csaladodra:( Par evvel ezelott Szabadkan voltal egy csoportal akkor ismerkedtunk meg.Katarina vagyok.Mar akkor volt egy fiam Dorian es lanyom Ramona remelem emlekszel rank:)Aterzem az egesz hejzeteteket mert magam is benne voltam par evvel ezelot lanyommal.Bizzatok az URBAN nem fog elhagyni benneteket.Otvan veletek,gyermeketek minden eggyes lelegzete az UR jelenletet tamasztja ala!Legyetek batorak,azUR mar megvita eszt a csatat!:)Sok szeretettel Katarina es csaladj-imatkozunk

  17. John & Linda Harrington3:26 AM

    I don't check facebook often, but did by chance tonight and found out about Felicia--I just cannot imagine the stress and anxiety of going through this. We are praying for all of your family and whatever each day brings to you. She looks so strong and healthy--so beautiful!!! May God grant her a complete recovery. We Love You! John & Linda

  18. Anonymous4:39 AM

    She is so precious! Trusting God for a miracle. Wish we could be there. Praying for the peace that passes understanding to be in your hearts through the waiting. Love, Roz and Gary

  19. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Szia Nick!

    Tegnap az egész gyüli imádkozott értetek!
    Nagyon szép kislány!

    Golgota Baja

  20. Anonymous8:12 AM

    She is beautiful! She looks a lot more like Rosemary than Nate does! So cute! We are praying here in Pécs! Much love to you guys!
    Balazs & Leah

  21. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Hi Nick,

    Beautiful baby:)Es hogy van Rosy? We pray for you guys! Elzana

  22. She is huge & beautiful :)

  23. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Praying continually throughout the day.
    Rob and Carol

  24. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Hi Nick bácsi! Felicia is so beautiful. She is like a princess. I keep praying for you all. Kincses J.

  25. Mi is imádkozunk továbbra is, és nagy örömre szolgálnak az eddigi jó hírek! Várom a következőket. A képek nagyon jók, tényleg nagyon szép kislány!

  26. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Szia Nick! Nagyon szép baba! Továbbra is imádkozom értetek és kérem az Urat, hogy Áldja meg ezt a kis terentményt hatalmasan!!!

  27. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Dear Nick and Rosemary!
    She is such a beautiful little girl! Thank you for sharing the pictures! She is in our prayers!
    The Livingstons

  28. Anonymous10:50 PM

    We love you and continue crying out to the Lord of life.
    Father, please in the name of Your only Son, Jesus, we ask You to cover Felicia with Your wings and make her competely well, so her life will tell of Your unfailing love. We know You are faithful and true. We trust You to give what is best to our dear friends. Thank you!
    Isabella & the Boys =)

  29. Angela and Geoff Carbone2:38 AM

    Nick and Rosemary, we are praying for Felicia's health and for her to be in God's hands through this difficult time. Wish we could be there to help. Calvary Chapel Syracuse is praying for you too! Love, Ang and Geoff Carbone
